Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hair Removal

So I admit it, I've been struggling with hair growing on my chin, so a couple of weeks ago, I decided to go to an electrologist and it's a bit painful and gets pricey, but I'm praying that it will work for me. So from what I understand, the hair follicle is shocked and is damaged so it makes it more difficult for hair to grow out of it. She said that I would have to come to her about once a week, which is about $25, for about 2+ years. We will see how it goes!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Ok, Lately I've spent so much money on nail polish (way too much!) so I decided to go ahead and get the acrylic overlay that I had taken off my nails in hopes that I can save a little money. The most that I feel I would need is manicures maybe every 1-2 weeks. I decided on this Saturday and I had to go back again today because the girl left so much acrylic on my nails that they were all bumpy and uneven. I'm just hoping they won't all break off by this weekend or anytime soon. I also had to spend even more money to get a few nail products to help me take better care of them at home. I will post pictures of my nails and the products soon.


It's Tuesday night and I've been weiging myself eveyday, especially since I was sick. I'm afraid I'm totally out of the 170s. :-( I really don't know how to feel about this. As soon as I started eating again, even with the 26 Points, the weight just seemed to stick to me. It's a little depressing, but hopefully I will get there again soon. By the end of the summer, I would like to be around 165 or so. That is my goal for right now, although I really don't know how I will feel about that size until I get there. I hope it won't be hard for me to stay there and I don't wanna be one of those people who gave up on WW. I know it's going to be a tough journey and everyone is different. I will make it!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Weight Loss Thoughts

So today the scale at WW showed me losing more than I thought it would especially since I had on clothes and I always weigh myself in my undies here at home. I feel good to be in the 170s, but at the same time, because it came off so fast and I have been really sick lately, it makes me feel like it will all be back on tomorrow. We will see. I didn't even eat all of my Points today because I didn't really have an appetite so my metabolism is probably slowing down a lot. Starting tomorrow I will be eating one less Point than I had been eating for the last 4 weeks. April is over! I lost a total of 9.2 lbs this month according to WW although I know it was more like 7-8 which is about right anyway. Whatever the case may be, it feels great! Hopefully I can keep up with my May goals and stay healthy. Since May always seems extra long to me, I want to go for about 6 lbs this month, maybe a little more. This will be good for me going into the summer.

1st Time Ever!

This is the first time that my scale has ever seen these numbers. I'm excited about it, but at the same time, yesterday at work I happened to pick up something that one of the kids must have had. I feel soooo sick. I have been throwing up and everything (meaning the opposite). I think that probably has something to do with my weight loss. Today is my meeting and I know it should show a loss, but at the same time, I should probably look to maintain or maybe even gain for the next weigh-in. My Points value should probably decrease as well. I will log the actual WW Weigh-In on the side after my meeting this evening. I was trying my hardest to make it to work this morning, but I just couldn't do it. This is the same reason that kept me from getting perfect attendance all through grade school to high school. I was just a sickly kid. Oh Well. Hopefully it's not the swine and I'll be fine.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Feel SOOO Good!

So yesterday I binged. Not on food, but by shopping. I felt the urge to spend even more money. I went to Target which is one of my favorite places. They had the workout dvds on sale so I bought the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred that everyone had been boasting about. I also bought a digital food scale that I love and a tank dress to wear in my weekly weigh ins. I got 2 new pairs of hand weights and a few other things. I also watched a Youtube video and looked at some reviews on the new Gold's Gym Cardio game on Wii. It looked like so much fun so I drove through the storm to 2 different Walmarts looking for it last night and neither of them had any left. I ended up finding it at a Gamestop across the street from my house today. I stayed within my points for today!!! I also did 10 minutes of aerobics(The Firm), 40 minutes at the track where I ran into my WW Leader, and 10 more minutes on the Elliptical machine at the gym!!! All of this makes me feel so good. Although I'm not expecting a big loss on the scale this week, I want to continue doing what I'm doing and hopefully in the next few weeks I can step into the 170s. I know I need to stop weighing myself at home because now I'm convinced that neither one of my scales are accurate. I can step on within about 2 minutes and get 2 different readings on both of them. I put one away and I'm now only using the latest one which cost a lot more. I will soon be posting things on hair and other topics. See Ya!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Weekend

As far as having fun, my weekend went great. On the other hand, this was the first time I didn't track what I ate. :-( This is exactly what our WW leader talked about in this week's meeting. I can't believe I let things get in the way of me tracking my food. Saturday wasn't all that bad, but it wasn't all that great either. We went to a baby shower and what happens? My lovely cousin suggests, "Don't worry about your Points today!" Are you serious? I'm not saying I didn't watch my Points. I looked at my portions very closely and I made sure that I ate pretty light and healthy before going to the shower with her. I really enjoyed myself (a little too much) with the appetizers and some of the "bad" things I had were fried chicken (1 piece w/ skin), cake, summer sausage, and a biscuit. When I think about it, if I did go over my Points for that day, it wasn't by much at all. On Sunday, I don't think I really went over my Points, I just didn't track or weigh my food to get correct portion sizes. I really want to invest in a scale and WW is going to make me go and buy one from a store since they are taking their time in getting the WW food scales in. More than just this, I totally forgot about my Alli challenge. It's now 4:18 am and I went and pulled out my bottle so I can remember to take it all day today. I have to get it together. I feel like the scale hasn't moved at all and I know I shouldn't keep checking all the time, but I can't help it. If I'm not losing weight, I have to find the reason why. I also know that my period hasn't started yet and during this time, I can really put on a few. Main objectives this week: stay within daily amount of Points, exercise, drink plenty of water, exercise, don't listen to cousin!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Well I've tried Alli in the past and after an uncle of mine raved about how much weight he had lost, I went out and purchased another bottle. I used it for weeks...with little to no results :-(. The problem was that I was already on a low fat diet. This time I decided to try it for at least the rest of April starting today and I guess until the bottle is gone. Wouldn't want to waste anymore money right? Since on WW I can eat pretty much anything that I would like to, I want to see if this magic blue pills work. I already know about the "Treatment Effects" and the gassiness (I think I made that word up) that these pills leave you feeling, but due to the extra fiber in my diet, I feel that way all the time-not the best feeling. Oh well, you live and you learn.

Monthly Goals

I've decided to come up with a list of goals to follow for the rest of the month and for all of May. These goals can be found on the right side of my Blog and hopefully they will be easy for me to follow. Things become a habit after 21 days, right? Well I really need for exercise to become one again. At one point in my life I was going to the gym 6 days a week! I have never been the athletic type so these were no monster workouts. The most I would do was cardio 45-60 min and never on one machine unless it was the elliptical and then I might do some weights. Over this past summer I had gotten really good about going to the track early in the morning and then heading straight to the gym afterwards. I don't know how I feel off track. We'll see how this goes!